An ICU for sea lions and turtles

‘A country can be judged by the way its animals are treated’. Mahatma Gandhi ‘Man has made Earth a hell for animals’. Arthur Schopenhauer A year has already passed since the beginning of this project. Looking back, we think that a real commitment to rescuing these animals already existed for the Marine…

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SGHN begins a campaign to declare the Courel and Enciña da Lastra mountain ranges as a Natural Park

Mapa PN do Courel e Enciña da Lastra proposto por SGHN

After several months of preparatory works and different arrangements, on 26th May 1997, Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural applied to the authorities with jurisdiction on this matter (Spanish Ministry of Environment, Autonomic Government of Castile and León and Autonomic Government of Galicia) for the development of an ordinance plan concerning…

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SGHN-Ferrol: “Resiliente do ano”

O Colectivo Rampla é unha asociación cultural de Cedeira que leva dende 2016 tomando iniciativas singulares de promoción da cultura e o recoñecemento de exemplos de esforzo pola comunidade, persoais e colectivos, dentro dos premios “Resilientes do Ano”. Este 2019 a SGHN foi distinguida dentro do apartado de “Natureza e…

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