PXOM e espazos protexidos de Valdoviño

No concello de Valdoviño existen diversas e importantes áreas naturais protexidas por instrumentos internacionais e nacionais: Humidal Ramsar da Lagoa de Valdoviño, ZEC ES1110002 Costa Ártabra, ZEPA ES0000258 Costa de Ferrolterra–Valdoviño, ZEPA ES0000496 Ferrolterra-Valdoviño e Humidal Protexido da Lagoa e Areal de Valdoviño. Nestes espazos as normativas ambientais e as…

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Concerning industrial lifestock farms

Lustrums of news in the media… In the huge amount of statements, opinions, controversies and assessments about “macro-farms”, SGHN believes it is necessary to analyse and communicate to the public the current conditions of industrial meat production farms and their repercussions on the environment. For this, there is nothing better…

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